46 Zoom
Square Dance > Schnellwahl > Basic
Wenn zwei Paare einander folgen, dann trennt sich jeder Tänzer des führenden Paares von seinem Partner und geht einen vollen Kreis bis zu der Position des Tänzers, der unmittelbar hinter ihm stand. In der Zwischenzeit gehen die Tänzer des folgenden Paares auf die Position des ehemals führenden Paares. Die Blickrichtung aller Tänzer hat sich nicht geändert.
Starting formation - starting and completed double pass thru, two-faced
lines, single file promenade, columns, box circulate and promenade. From
one couple following another, each dancer in the lead couple separates
away from his partner and walks around a full circle (360°) to end in
the position of the dancer who was directly behind him. Meanwhile, each
trailing dancer steps directly forward into the vacated position of the
lead dancer. Every dancer ends facing in the same direction he started.
From a setup where one dancer is following another, the lead dancer
walks away from the center of the square and around in a full circle
(360°) to the position of the dancer who was directly behind him.
Meanwhile, the trailing dancer steps directly forward into the position
vacated by the lead dancer.